Sobre mi Organización
Tipo de Organización
Tipo de organización secundario
Energeia provides research advisory services to organizations focused on the latest energy technology and electricity industry.
Resumen de la Organización

Energeia brings together a group of hand-picked, highly qualified professionals with demonstrated track records of success within the energy industry and energy specialist academia across Australia, North America, Asia and Europe.

We offer a high performance team with a track record of delivering unique and cutting edge projects in the following areas:

  • Energy Policy and Regulation
  • Demand Management and Energy Efficiency
  • Energy Product Development and Pricing
  • Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure
  • Distributed Generation and Storage Technologies
  • Smart Networks and Smart Metering
  • Wholesale and Retail Electricity Markets
  • Energy Data and Analytics

Our energy-only focus helps ensure that our research and advice reflects a deep understanding of the issues, and is often based on first-hand experience within industry or as a practitioner applying theoretical economic and engineering concepts in an energy context.

Servicios Medioambientales
Consultoría de Estrategia y Operaciones
Petróleo y Energía
Transporte por Carretera o Ferrocarril
Servicios Públicos
Categoría de Negocios
Pequeños Negocios
Negocio de Mujeres
*Para determinar si su organizaci?n se encuentra en una zona DAC o LI, introduzca su direcci?n en el mapa de b?squeda.

*Vea referencias en Zonas de Oportunidades aqui.

132 E Street, 310 Mansion Square, Davis, CA, United States, 95616
Mi Organización Tiene Experiencia en
Energías Renovables
Recursos Energéticos Distribuidos
Eficiencia Energética
Combustibles Alternativas