This is a competitive contract solicitation to support the California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) Sustainable Transportation and Communities Division. CARB encourages proposers to form multidisciplinary teams to fulfill contract requirements. Principal Investigators (PIs) must be affiliated with University of California (UC) and California State Universities (CSU); however, CARB welcomes applications that include subcontractors from outside of the UC/CSU systems.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) develops the quantification methodology for estimating greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction benefits from projects proposed for funding by the Strategic Growth Council’s Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (AHSC). The objective of this research study is to investigate and propose updates to the method CARB’s uses for calculating vehicle miles travelled (VMT) and associated VMT reductions of proposed housing projects including location-specific VMT, proximity to transit, and project density. This study may include identifying alternatives to the assumptions and data currently used in the calculation of VMT estimates and reductions.
Key Dates:
• July 13, 2022 – Pre-proposals must be submitted by email to by 5 p.m.
• August 3, 2022 – Winning applicants will be notified.
• September 9, 2022 – Full proposals due to CARB staff for review by 5 p.m.