Oportunidad de Financiamiento
Potential State Roles in Expanding Transfer of Development Rights as a Tool for Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Nombre de la Organización
California Air Resources Board
Resumen de la oportunidad
Announcing a request for proposals to study the applicability of a Transfer of Development Rights program to local/state GHG reduction and land conservation efforts, focusing on housing/community investments that benefit Disadvantaged Communities.
Otorgar Nombre
California Air Resources Board Sustainable Transportation and Communities Programs
Económico y Equidad
Comunidades Desfavorecidas
Comunidades de Bajos Ingresos
Eligible Applicant


This is a competitive contract solicitation to support the California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) Sustainable Transportation and Communities Division. CARB encourages proposers to form multidisciplinary teams to fulfill contract requirements. Principal Investigators (PIs) must be affiliated with University of California (UC) and California State Universities (CSU); however, CARB welcomes applications that include subcontractors from outside of the UC/CSU systems.

This research project will investigate the applicability of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program to local and state greenhouse gas reduction and land conservation efforts, with a focus on leveraging development rights for housing and other community investments that benefit Disadvantaged Communities. It will examine the extent to which TDR could be an effective tool in California for advancing State climate goals through accelerated housing production and natural and working lands conservation, with a focus on equitable outcomes and investment in disadvantaged communities. The project will recommend potential State roles and actions to expand use of TDR throughout the state. This research will also identify potential avenues for TDR as a tool for advancing social and racial equity in both urban and rural areas, and on both the development and conservation sides of the TDR exchange.

Key Dates:

• July 13, 2022 – Pre-proposals must be submitted by email to by 5 p.m.

• August 3, 2022 – Winning applicants will be notified.

• September 9, 2022 – Full proposals due to CARB staff for review by 5 p.m.

Fondos Disponibles
US$ 525.000,00
Cantidad máxima del premio
US$ 525.000,00
Plazo de Solicitud
Desarrollo Economico
Recursos Naturales