Oportunidad de Financiamiento
Assessment Report and Development of Resources: Local Government Zero-Emission Vehicle Multi-Modal Ecosystem
Nombre de la Organización
California Air Resources Board
Resumen de la oportunidad
Announcing a request for proposals to develop an assessment and resources to support local governments in developing equitable, multi-modal zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) ecosystems (ZEV readiness).
Otorgar Nombre
California Air Resources Board Sustainable Transportation and Communities Programs
Eligible Applicant


This is a competitive contract solicitation to support the California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) Sustainable Transportation and Communities Division. CARB encourages proposers to form multidisciplinary teams to fulfill contract requirements. Principal Investigators (PIs) must be affiliated with University of California (UC) and California State Universities (CSU); however, CARB welcomes applications that include subcontractors from outside of the UC/CSU systems.

The objective of this project is to support local governments in creating equitable, multi-modal zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) ecosystems (ZEV readiness). This work will help prepare communities for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty ZEVs, e-mobility, and associated infrastructure and support effective, equitable implementation. In developing the assessment and resources, the contractor will examine the state of both planning and implementation for ZEV readiness at the local government scale and identify opportunities to improve and support implementation success.

Key Dates:

• July 13, 2022 – Pre-proposals must be submitted by email to by 5 p.m.

• August 3, 2022 – Winning applicants will be notified.

• September 9, 2022 – Full proposals due to CARB staff for review by 5 p.m.

Fondos Disponibles
US$ 300.000,00
Cantidad máxima del premio
US$ 300.000,00
Plazo de Solicitud
Infraestructura de carga/abastecimiento de combustible