Oportunidad de Financiamiento
Sustainable Transportation Planning Grants
Nombre de la Organización
California Department of Transporation (Caltrans)
Resumen de la oportunidad
A total of $34 million is available for transportation planning projects statewide. The Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program includes Sustainable Communities Grants and Strategic Partnership Grants.
Otorgar Nombre
Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is pleased to release the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Application Guide and call-for-applications.  The Grant Application Guide was updated this year with input from four public workshops and stakeholder comments.   A total of $34 million is available for transportation planning projects statewide.  The information provided below will assist with the successful completion of grant applications, due February 12, 2021 by 5 PM.  Grant announcements are anticipated in spring 2021 (see schedule below).  Contact the appropriate Caltrans district staff (see “District Contacts” below) if there are questions about developing competitive grant applications.

The Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program includes:

  • Sustainable Communities Grants ($29.5 million) to encourage local and regional planning that furthers state goals, including, but not limited to, the goals and best practices cited in the Regional Transportation Plan Guidelines adopted by the California Transportation Commission.
  • Strategic Partnerships Grants ($4.5 million) to identify and address statewide, interregional, or regional transportation deficiencies on the State highway system in partnership with Caltrans. A sub-category funds transit-focused planning projects that address multimodal transportation deficiencies.

It is envisioned that these planning grants will provide much needed funding to support regional sustainable communities’ strategies and ultimately achieve the State's greenhouse gas reductions targets of 40 and 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 and 2050, respectively.

The Grant Application Guide and Grant Application Cover Sheet will be posted soon.  In the meantime, send an email request for these documents to 

Fondos Disponibles
US$ 34.000.000,00
Cantidad máxima del premio
US$ 34.000.000,00