Oportunidad de Financiamiento
Electric Vehicle Ready Communities Phase II - Blueprint Implementation
Nombre de la Organización
California Energy Commission
Resumen de la oportunidad
The California Energy Commission has announced the the availability of up to $7.5 million in grant funds for projects that will implement projects developed and identified in Phase I of the Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready Communities Challenge.
Agencia #


This solicitation is open to the entities that completed Phase I blueprints under GFO-17-604 within one year of their agreement start date. Only the following entities are eligible to apply: 

  • City of Santa Clara
  • Contra Costa Transportation Authority
  • San Francisco Department of the Environment
  • Kern Council of Governments
  • Tierra Resource Consultants (Fresno)
  • City of Sacramento
  • City of Long Beach Harbor Department
  • County of Los Angeles
  • Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance

The eligible entities may include project partners in their applications. Any interested entity not listed above must work with an eligible entity to be included in an application.

Project Requirements

Applicants will apply for implementation of actionable items identified in the Phase I- Blueprint developed under GFO-17-604. Eligible applicants are required to submit a new proposal. Applicants must propose projects that are located in the EV Ready Community associated with the Phase I – Blueprint Development region. Applicants must identify which portion of their blueprint they would like to implement and indicate measurable outcomes. Activities that the applicant plans to implement must be consistent with blueprint created in Phase I.

Fondos Disponibles
US$ 7.500.000,00
Cantidad máxima del premio
US$ 2.500.000,00