Commerce is hosting a workshop on Sept. 2 to discuss streamlining Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) implementation. Details will be provided prior to the workshop.
Información del Evento
Sep 2, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Washington State Department of Commerce
Online, United States
Asistencia virtual:
Virtual disponible
Descripción del Evento


The Data Technical Advisory Group (Data TAG) provides leadership and guidance to the Washington State Department of Commerce (Commerce) for development of best practices and resources to implement the data collection work directed under RCW 19.405.120(3). The Data TAG will assist with data collection from utilities, provide advice on guidelines for utility data reporting and support Commerce’s work to aggregate and publish statewide resources. 

Roles and Responsibilities

  Advise Commerce in development of aggregated data resources under RCW 19.405.120(3)(a); Develop and improve the data tool used for aggregating data under RCW 19.405.120(3)(b);

  Offer constructive solutions and ideas to promote the usability of aggregated data and data visualization on Commerce’s website;

  Offer advice and solutions to issues and problems arising in the course of data collection, starting on July 31, 2020;

  Develop ideas to address data gaps and other resource needs for future data collection and to promote intent of RCW 19.405.120.


 The TAG will consist of at least one representatives from the following groups:

 (1) Commerce 

(2) Utilities and Transportation Commission 

(3) Investor Owned Utility

 (4) Public Utility District 

(5) Rural Electric Coop 

(6) Municipal Utility

Eficiencia Energética