About my Organization
Organization Type
Technology Innovators
Secondary Organization Type
Architecture & Engineering
The Aquantis team, with two prior wind turbine manufacturing ramp-ups to over 20 units/mo will be hands-on in plant management, forming plant layout, supply chain, logistics, heavy cranage, testing QA/QC and safety
Year Founded
Organization Overview

Aquantis, Inc, has been designing and testing tidal and ocean current energy equipment for over two decades. This technology originated by the management team that had previously established two US wind energy companies, Zond Systems, and Clipper Windpower, which technology, products, and manufacturing led to the commercial success of four generations of wind turbines. Through the acquisition of these companies, both General Electric and the PrattWhitney Division of United Technologies entered the wind industry.

Cleantech Product or Service Provided
  • Energy Sources & Fuels
    • Wave Energy
    • Wind Technologies
  • Manufacturing
    • Industrial Processes
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
Business Category
Member of Partner Program(s)

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2. See references on Opportunity Zones here.

101 E. Victoria, Santa Barbara, CA, United States, 93101
Area of Expertise
Renewable Energy
Business Operations & Management
Organization needs
We need to find demonstration host sites for our solutions
We need EPC services