ECO TLP is a patented deep water Tension Leg Platform that scales with XXL next generation Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (FOWTs) while offering the lowest cost of installation and O&M. We have been identified as a preferred solution for over 11GW of deep water floating arrays. Our team members are based across the U.S. and Europe.
ECO TLP can be fabricated and installed with local materials and labor anywhere in the world, port-side on deployment vessels, employing regional resources. We have a dedicated shipyard to fabricate support vessels in the U.S. to meet Jones Act requirements.
Each ECO TLP foundation offers megatons of carbon capture, acting as a carbon sink. Once installed the ECO TLP's non-corrosive materials require minimal maintenance over the 30 year life span of the array. The gravity anchor creates a marine habitat and avoids the catenary web of mooring lines that interfere with fishing and shipping lanes.