Funding Opportunity
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Equitable Building Decarbonization Direct Install Program
Organization Name
California Energy Commission
Funding Opportunity Brief *
The goals of the Equitable Building Decarbonization Program are to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in homes and advance energy equity. The Direct Install Program provides decarbonization retrofits to low- and moderate-income households.
Program Name
Equitable Building Decarbonization Direct Install Program
Agency or Grant #
Equity Categories
Disadvantaged Community
Low Income Community
Native American Tribes
Eligible Applicant
Tribal Government

The CEC has developed the Equitable Building Decarbonization (EBD) Program, authorized by Assembly Bill 209 (Chapter 251, Statutes of 2022). The goals of the EBD Program are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in homes and advance energy equity. In addition, the program aims to reduce energy bills, improve indoor air quality, and improve energy reliability, while strengthening the local workforce.  
The EBD program includes a Direct Install program to provide energy efficient electric appliances, weatherization improvements, and related upgrades at no cost to low- and moderate-income households in selected communities. The Equitable Building Decarbonization Program will also include a Tribal Direct Install program and Statewide Incentive Program to accelerate deployment of low-carbon building technologies. 
The Direct Install Program will be administered by three regional administrators, serving Northern, Central, and Southern California, respectively. On April 30, 2024, the CEC released Grant Funding Opportunity 23-404 to select the three regional administrators. Funding for the Direct Install Program will include state funds as well as federal funds provided to California through the Inflation Reduction Act Home Efficiency Rebates (HOMES) Program. Funding will be allocated among the three regions according to the relative population of underresourced communities in each region. 

Available funding $842,122,000, including $689,800,000 in state funding and $152,322,000 in federal funding.  Amounts are subject to change. 

Northern Region: $193,688,000 

Central Region: $160,003,000 

Southern Region: $488,431,000 

Amounts include both federal and state funding and are subject to change. 

Available Funding
Maximum Award Amount
Climate Adaptation/Mitigation
GHG Emission Reduction
Data Monitoring & Analytics
Energy Efficiency & Demand Response